Project 1 Reflection

Post brief reflection on blog based on feedback from critique: what did you learn? What adjustments would you make in a further iteration of your project?

In a further iteration of my project, I would be more attentive to achieving fluidity in all of the frames. I had several sequences that moved very well, but others that stuck out like a sore thumb because the frames moved too slow or there weren't enough in the sequence. 
I could also have made the captured images more crisp in several areas. 
I think overall I would have just developed the visuals more and had them be neater! I'd really like to have made the sequence with the tree more dramatic as well. A close-up shot of the tree, nice and clear, would have been perfect to pull the branches and twist them in a sequence. I also would have liked to do another shot with visuals inside the pupils of the eyes, with them spiraling, but that would be more of an over-a-minute thing.
