
Elusive: Difficult to find, catch, or achieve.
The prompt also talked about finding things that are over-looked, or rarely captured.
Going off of that...

  • Listen... the first thing I thought of with the word "elusive" is this nature documentary I saw about snow leopards. They're super difficult to capture on camera because of the environment they live in because they blend right into the snow. I don't think I'd want to do anything with snow leopards, but it's a thought anyways. 
  • Dust. It's just dust. No one pays attention to it, except when they clean it. I could have a dust bunny as a character? Have them mourn the fact that no one notices them?
  • That little leftover haze of light when you turn a light off. Like, if you stare at a light and then turn it off and you still have the little orange glow in your mind. How would this concept be expressed? I'll have to think about that one. 
  • 4am. 4am is the time when the least amount of people are awake. It's a time, really, that people don't see very often.

This topic is hard. I need to keep thinking. Clearly, lol.
